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Arabic Alphabet

Arabic Alphabet (Brief Introduction)

The Arabic alphabets are entwined with the development of culture. the descendants of the Finnish originated the Arabic language. After this, we wrote this language in Aramaic language. The descendants of the Phoenician also wrote the alphabet of Hebrew and Greek. The third title of this series, which is designed for mentally reading for students. Here the Arabic language with the picture is explained in brief. The detailed explanation for further reading .In this includes an index and many suggestions also we can see there. explaining the clarity of Arabic language has been explained clearly. Arabic script is based on modern Arabic. Which is especially different from the rest of the alphabet. it has been established in a state in Northern Arabia. While in Northern Arabia it was described as a semantic language.

Basic Facts About the Arabic Alphabets

There are 28 alphabet in Arabic language. It usages 3 special characters. That are written above and below other letters. There are 5 different types of sounds in Arabic which we have never heard in English language. The holy book of Muslim's Quran is written in Arabic Letters. It is the sacred language of Muslims. Hence, it is the chief prayer language for Muslims. More then 300 million people speak this language in Arab world. Mainly use this language in North Africa and Arabian Peninsula. In 29 countries use Arabic language. it is called a Semitic language also. We can use Arabic in script , we can't use this language in print.

Learn Arabic Letters And Alphabets

If you want to really learn the Arabic letters and alphabets then you have to look once the chart we provide below. If you are unaware of this language, then you have to work hard to learn Arabic language . You have to start from the beginning, firstly, the smallest letter must be understood well. If I'm able to go to the menu, I would have liked a little more than that, but I did not know how to use it. Tones are not used in this language there are only use of vowels. Intro to Short Vowels 1 - Intro to Short Vowels jiim 15 - jiim ghayn 29 - ghaynfatHa 2 - fatHa Haa' 16 - Haa' faa' 30 - faa'Damma 3 - tanwiin shiin 4 - shiin waaw 5 - waawIntro to hamza 6 - Intro to hamza Saad 7 - Saad yaa' 8 - yaa''alif 9 - 'alif Daad.

Arabic Alphabet And Pronunciation

The Arabic alphabet is written from right to left. It has no capital letters. The Arabic script is called a running script. In Arabic you are forced to write most of the letters attached and some not. Instead of braking the word into syllables making the word smaller as to fit on a line they make the word bigger by extending the letter. there is nothing better than hearing the sound of the letters in a video or audio in Arabic Language.

Arabic Alphabet Table And Chart

Modern Standard Arabic is generally written without short vowels. Vowels and nunation (an 'n' sound) are addedto the ends of words to express a variety of grammatical functions. The letters are joined by ligatures. The chart below gives the letters of the Arabic alphabet, their names, their transliteration, symbols, and their approximate pronunciations.

For more information in details regarding Arabic Alphabets click here on read more.

Rob Amstel -
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